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Developing and upskilling our team

Granite Elite show our commitment to both employee development and public safety, last week we successfully trained a group of Security Industry Authority (SIA) security guards and stewards in crucial life-saving skills. The participants recently completed Airway Management and Catastrophic Bleeding Control training courses, conducted at Granite Elite’s training facilities in Aberdeen.

Granite Elite has long been recognised for its unwavering dedication to enhancing the skills and knowledge of its workforce. This latest initiative, focusing on emergency medical skills, underscores the company’s commitment to fostering a safe and secure environment not only for its clients but also for the community at large.

The Airway Management and Catastrophic Bleeding Control training courses are designed to equip security professionals with vital skills to respond effectively to medical emergencies, including those encountered in their line of duty. These courses provide participants with the ability to respond rapidly and confidently in situations where every second counts.

Commenting on the successful completion of these courses, Granite Elite’s Director, Craig Fraser, stated, “Our team members are not just employees; they are our most valuable assets. Ensuring their safety and well-being is paramount. By arming them with life-saving skills, we not only enhance their capabilities but also contribute to the overall safety of our communities.”

The training, which took place over several intensive days, was conducted by certified medical instructors with extensive experience in emergency medicine. Participants were provided with hands-on training, simulations, and practical exercises to ensure they were well-prepared to handle medical emergencies effectively.

Sam Cormack, one of the security guards who completed the training, expressed his gratitude, saying, “I feel much more confident now in my ability to respond to critical situations. This training has not only improved my professional skills but has also given me the knowledge to potentially save lives.”

Granite Elite’s commitment to continuous training and development aligns with a broader industry trend towards prioritising safety and well-being within the security sector. By investing in the skills and capabilities of their team members, Granite Elite is not only setting an example for the industry but also contributing to the welfare of the communities they serve.

As Granite Elite continues to champion the growth and empowerment of its employees, it remains poised to make a lasting impact on the security industry, setting the standard for excellence in training and upskilling.

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